6 Benefits of Hiring a Professional Interior Painting Company

 6 Benefits of Hiring a Professional Interior Painting Company

Paint­ing the inte­ri­or of a home can be an over­whelm­ing process, espe­cial­ly if you’re not an expe­ri­enced painter. Even if you do know your way around the olé brush and roller, it’s still a big task to take on your­self. For a whole host of rea­sons, it’s worth tak­ing a clos­er look at the ben­e­fits of hir­ing a pro­fes­sion­al inte­ri­or paint­ing com­pa­ny, help­ing you get through the project quick­ly and efficiently.

Ready? Let’s get started.

Expert prepa­ra­tion

Prep is 80% of a paint job, and pro­fes­sion­al inte­ri­or paint­ing com­pa­nies have the exper­tise and expe­ri­ence need­ed to do the job right. Remov­ing old paint, sand­ing, fill­ing cracks and holes, dry­wall repair, wall­pa­per removal, job con­tain­ment… All are essen­tial to a suc­cess­ful inte­ri­or repaint, ensur­ing a good foun­da­tion for the new prod­ucts. They also have the right tools and equip­ment to ensure a pro­fes­sion­al, clean, and even fin­ish. Doing the job cor­rect­ly the first time will save you time and mon­ey in the long run as you won’t need to spend addi­tion­al resources repair­ing any mis­takes or hav­ing to start over from scratch. 

Choos­ing the right paint for the job

Going a step fur­ther, your pro­fes­sion­al painter will also be able to pro­vide guid­ance on the best type of paint for your needs, as well as advice on the best way to pro­tect your walls and keep them look­ing great for years to come. You can’t just con­sid­er col­or, but also the lev­el of wear and tear, appro­pri­ate sheens, brands, primer, and spe­cial­ized prod­ucts that might be a good fit for your property.

With strong ven­dor rela­tion­ships, your inte­ri­or painter can also tap into their net­work for help with pick­ing the best option for long-term per­for­mance. These rela­tion­ships and trade resources also give them access to the lat­est prod­ucts and trends, allow­ing them to pro­vide advice and insight.

Pro­fes­sion­al-grade painters use pro­fes­sion­al-grade tools

Prep is key, the prod­uct choic­es are key, and so are the tools used. Because they sim­ply may not know any bet­ter, many home­own­ers just grab bar­gain-brand equip­ment off the shelf, not real­iz­ing that they’re sac­ri­fic­ing fin­ish qual­i­ty and efficiency.

Spe­cial­ized brush­es, rollers, spray equip­ment, and lad­ders are impor­tant, depend­ing on the size and nature of your inte­ri­or paint­ing project, and so is hav­ing nec­es­sary safe­ty equipment.

Rep­utable paint­ing com­pa­nies are ful­ly insured

Pro­fes­sion­al painters are insured, so if any acci­dents or dam­ages occur dur­ing the project, you will be cov­ered finan­cial­ly. If you aren’t sure of whether or not your prospec­tive pro car­ries the prop­er cov­er­age and cre­den­tials, be sure you ask. It’s vital­ly important.

Reclaim your time

Hir­ing a pro­fes­sion­al inte­ri­or paint­ing com­pa­ny is one of the great­est gifts you can give your­self. Not only will you save time and ener­gy by not hav­ing to take on the paint­ing project your­self, but you can rest assured that the job will be done right and with the high­est qual­i­ty and exper­tise. Plus, they can pro­vide you with help­ful advice and tips to make the most of your project.

Reclaim your peace of mind with guar­an­teed work

A rep­utable painter can offer:

  • Qual­i­ty Work: They will use qual­i­ty mate­ri­als, paint to exact spec­i­fi­ca­tions, and make sure that the job is done right the first time. They will also be able to pro­vide a war­ran­ty on their work­man­ship, ensur­ing that you’re sat­is­fied with the results.

  • Peace of Mind: Your pro­fes­sion­al should be prop­er­ly insured, bond­ed, and licensed to pro­vide the ser­vices that they are offering.

  • Time Sav­ings: Your painter will be able to work quick­ly, effi­cient­ly, and com­plete the job in a time­ly man­ner. No off-hours chores for you or week­ends full of paint­ing. Sounds nice, right?

Have more ques­tions about hir­ing an inte­ri­or painter?

Con­tact us at John Byrne Paint­ing! We’d love to con­nect with you and dis­cuss your inte­ri­or paint­ing goals in more detail. Or, you canstart here by explor­ing our paint­ing ser­vices in the Delaware Val­ley and Jer­sey Shore.

John Byrne Painting's 3-Step Process

Tell us about your goals

1. Tell us about your goals

Let's talk about what you're envisioning. After we gather all the details, we'll share a clear, detailed plan for you to review.

We do the work, as promised

2. We do the work, as promised

We'll be there on time and ready to work, with a skilled project manager overseeing every detail.

Let's check the work together

3. Let's check the work together

When we're done, we'll perform a final walkthrough with you. Trust us: we have high standards, and we know you do too.

Why John Byrne Painting?

Your local painting company since 1978

Proven experience

Can handle painting projects of all sizes

Committed to your satisfaction

We stand by our reputation


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I had a great experience working with the John Byrne. Jennifer provided timely and accurate quotes while also helping me adjust the work schedule around different tradesmen. Ronaldo and his team did a beautiful job painting the complex 3 floor interior project. Lastly, the wallpaper application was great, no seaming and so beautiful.


Irene C.


Scott and Juan showed up each morning and worked continually throughout the day. They were professional and respectful of my furniture and home. They did an excellent job of cleaning up. My home has never looked better.

Jennifer does the scheduling. She is professional and great to work with.

I highly recommend John Byrnes for any painting job needed.


Sue Hobson


John Byrne painting was terrific to work with. Jennifer was very easy to work with from the estimate to scheduling our full exterior painting job. Miguel and his crew were professional and efficient. They were able to complete the job in 2.5 days and were very good about cleaning any mess up at the end of each day. Will definitely use again for other painting needs around our home.


Michelle DiRico


Excellent timely job, reasonably price. Great service. Thanks so much to all at John Byrne Painting from start to finish. Very pleased.


Julie Schramm


I recently hired John Byrne Painting to paint a 2 story foyer as well as my kitchen cabinets. Everything came out beautifully. Juan and team were professional and meticulous. Jenn was a pleasure to work with in coordinating my many asks. Highly recommend!


Judy Lingelbach-Paulsworth


As a General Contractor we deal with many sub contractors on a daily basis. Our home was damaged due to a fire. We chose John Byrne Painting to paint the entire interior of our home. We could not be happier with their quality, price or on time performance. It is always a pleasure to work with a company with the professionalism of John Byrne Painting.


Wayne Gerhard


We recently had interior painting done by John Byrne. They are a Class Act. Mr. Byrne came to oversee the project and give daily instructions.
Jose and Valentine were meticulous in their work and clean up. They worked tirelessly during the hot July weather.
Our result was a transformed home. We highly recommend his work and his company.


Julie & Richard M.


John Byrne Painting recently painted our cherry kitchen cabinets.
They matched the color paints we asked for perfectly. Our kitchen has an updated and modern look to it now. The painters were professional and courteous at all times. The job was done neatly and efficiently. We would highly recommend John Byrne painting for kitchen cabinets and will be using them for our walls as well.


Liz M.


John Byrne was a pleasure too work with when we chose them to paint the exterior of our home. They were on time each day, cleaned up and even returned to paint a new garage door that arrived weeks after they finished the rest of the house. I would highly recommend them and choose them again.

Angies List

Ginny Williams


I recently had 2 different jobs completed and Jenn is very helpful coming out to do a walk thru to provide a quote and guidance for the job. The painters are professional and do a great job with prep and clean up. The repairs made to my drywall around my skylights were amazing.


Jen Bosley


John Byrne Painting recently completed a large, complicated, interior painting project at our home in Wayne that took two weeks to complete. Jennifer Bosco was our estimator and project manager. We have used John Byrne Painting for years for both interior and exterior projects. On several occasions we have requested bids from other companies - and the quotes from John Bryne Painting have always been competitive. In addition, the work they do is first class, and we completely trust Jennifer and the painters - so much so that this time we just gave them the key to our house, and went on vacation while the project was completed. As usual, when we returned we could not have been more pleased with the result!


Eugene Bissell


John Byrne's team painted our entire 3,000 sq ft home: walls, ceilings, all woodwork, french doors, closets, and garage. They are meticulous, professional, and worked very hard. They cleaned up at the end of each day. The project took 3 weeks to complete (exactly as Jennifer estimated) and their price was right in line with other bids I had received. We are thrilled to have worked with this company and are so happy to recommend them to others!


Mindy Wissmann Caradec

Partner with John Byrne Painting

We provide a comprehensive estimate with no obligation

house painting